It stretches before me, like a never ending tunnel… a tunnel with no light at the end. As I walk, my footsteps echo in the dark. I cannot see anything in the dark. Darkness engulfs me and beats down my spirit. Fear and panic rise in my throat and I call out… my voice magnified a hundredfold, comes back to me… like unhappy ghosts. All this darkness and loneliness gets to me, eating away at my soul.
Then I see an opening and walk slowly towards it, disbelievingly. I walk out and feel the sun on y skin, birds in the air, people around me talking, laughing. I look away as the sun hurts my eyes and laughter pains me. I have forgotten how to smile, how it is to be happy. The darkness that I felt hasn’t been left behind. I have carried it with me… deep in my very soul. I have absorbed it, and now it runs through my veins. Though my body is in the light, my soul is still in darkness…